August 13, 2021 Patrick Cormier


How many threats are lurking within your employee inboxes right now? Did you know a single click could trigger a disaster?  Can your employees spot a cleverly disguised email phishing attack hiding in their inbox?

Eye-catching subject lines are just one of the sophisticated tactics cybercriminals deploy to capture your attention and elicit a specific response or action. Do you and your team know how to identify the ones that are intended to deceive you?

Over 90 percent of malware is delivered via e-mail every day to inboxes worldwide. Clicking a link embedded within an e-mail or opening an attachment without thought could unintentionally provide hackers the opening they need to launch a successful cyberattack on your business.

Have you taken on any new staff recently? What was your induction process like? Did it include cybersecurity training?

It really should. Because 60% of your new hires are at risk from something called social engineering. Not sure what that means? It’s a clever way that criminals trick people into making a bank payment, clicking an unsafe link or downloading a file containing malware. For example, they might hack into someone’s account and send an email that seems to be from a real supplier, changing the bank details for invoice payments.

With so many people working from home, these socially engineered attacks have risen. Possibly because we’re less alert to the dangers as we feel safe at home. Do you know, it’s not just new hires that are at risk from social engineering? All it takes is a momentary lapse in judgement by anyone for your business to suffer a loss.

Fortunately, there is a simple solution to the dangers of social engineering: Cybersecurity training. 

A comprehensive security training program is necessary to empower your entire team with the knowledge to identify security threats and become an active component of your security defence strategies

Every dollar spent on security awareness training significantly reduces your business’ vulnerability to cyberattacks. On average, smaller organizations (50 to 999 employees) can achieve an ROI of 69 percent from a security awareness training program

Doing this not only helps you save thousands of dollars in the event of a breach but could prove to be priceless when avoiding long-term costs such as lost customer trust and damage to your business’ reputation.

Teaching your employees best practices for good password hygiene and providing additional security awareness training is a must if you want to maintain a strong security defence against the growing cyber threats targeting your business.

Contact to find out how our security awareness training program is the comprehensive solution your business needs.


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